Better data. Enhanced results. Healthier muscles.

We unlock essential actionable muscle intelligence.


It’s Muscle Guided Decision Making;

Experience actionable, real-time feedback;

Effortlesly track fatigue and recovery trends over time;

Easily compare baselines and identify abnormalities!

It’s not just easy to use.

It’s medical-grade wearable technology.

Clinically-validated AI tested with

50+ experts

Gold-standard hardware + software tested with

100+ users

It’s essential for muscle success.

✔ Generate revenue for clinics;

✔ Streamline operations;

✔ Save your team money;

✔ Enhance athelte/patient engagement!

It’s not just a trend.

Built & validated with top sports and rehabilitation specialists, for Muscle Guided Decision Making.

“This is the missing link in the performance puzzle.”

Peter Eppinga, sports scientist FC Emmen, founder of PlusPlus Physiotherapy site, MCZ Groningen

“Oro Muscles is a state-of-art technology for strength and conditioning professionals who seek excellence in monitoring their clients' neuromuscular responses in real time.”

Fabio Nakamura, PhD in Sports Sciences. Author of >300 scientific papers in peer review journals and 500K + reads.

“This is the difference between no place and gold medal.”

Ronald Tarvin, elite powerlifter (featured in the top 5 powerlifters in the world)

Not just a success story.

This is the future of muscle intelligence!